Fly Fishers International > Get Involved > Fly Tying Group > Already a FTG Member? > FTG Board of Governors > Tom Logan
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Tom Logan


Tom Logan

Tom H. Logan is a certified wildlife biologist from Tallahassee, Florida who makes a living as a private wildilife consultant. He enjoys tying classic trout patterns and fishing them for southern bream and bass in his home waters, as well as for trout in the Smoky Mountains, Sierras and other streams of the western United States. He also ties Atlantic salmon flies, but has a special interest in tying historic and modern soft-hackles and other wet patterns. Tom teaches fly tying classes in Tallahassee, has taught tying workshops at shows and conclaves of the Federation of Fly fishers (FFF) and demonstrates fly tying at several FFF Council conclaves each year. He also has presented programs on the Laws Pertaining to the Possession and Transportation of Natural Fly Tying Materials. The Southeast Council of the FFF awarded him as the “2004 Tyer of the Year”. Tom is a life member of the FFF and a FFF Certified Casting Instructor. He serves as Vice President of Conservation for the Florida Council of the FFF and is a member of the Conservation Committee of the FFF. Tom also is a member of the Whiting Farms Pro Team and the Angler’s Sport Group Pro Team for Daiichi Hooks. He is the creator and manager of North Florida Fly-fishing Adventures and School dedicated to teach fly tying, casting and fishing activities that enhance the fly-fishing experience for anglers that fish with the artificial fly.